Sep-2024 - Newsletter

GREG Mid Year Newsletter

A report on our previous events can be found here in the …

Jun-2024 - Event Report

James Harrison and the 170th Anniversary of Refrigeration June-2024

GREG members attended and helped with the Geelong & Region Branch of the National Trust, exhibition of James Harrison’s Refrigeration for Worlds Refrigeration Day.

May-2024 - Event Report

Online wall thickness measurement - Permasense debranded

After his presentation in May, David Farnsworth has supplied the attached document of his presentation.

Jul-2024 - Event Report

GREG Speaking Event - Latest Advances in Investgation and Repair of Concrete Structures

Ian Godson presented to GREG members for the July event.

Jun-2024 - Event Report

GREG at the National Trust James Harrison Exhibition June-2024

GREG will be helping out the Geelong & Region Branch of the National Trust who are holding an exhibition of James Harrison’s Refrigeration for Worlds Refrigeration Day.

Jul-2024 - Newsletter

GREG 2024 Mid-year Newsletter

A report on our latest event & news of up coming events can be found…

Jun-2024 - Event Invitation

National Trust Whats-On

The Geelong & Region Branch of the National Trust are holding an exhibition of James Harrison’s Refrigeration for Worlds Refrigeration Day.

Jun-2024 - Invitation

Cool Insights Webinar 11-Jun-2024

How Much Cooling is Enough Cooling?

Hosted by the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR)

Oct-2023 - Event Report

GREG site visit to Thornton Engineering

A report on the GREG site visit to Thornton Engineering, held on 12th October presented by our guides, Brenton West and Ash Caldwell of TE Pty Ltd, can be found …

Sep-2023 - Event Report

GREG Technical Event Report

A report on our latest technical event, held on 14th September at the The Gordon TAFE about Building Management Systems presented by Ben Carroll and Darren Ehlert of Controltech Building Technologies Pty Ltd, can be found …

Jul-2023 - Newsletter

GREG Newsletter Jun-Jul

A report on our latest event & news of up coming events can be found here in the …

May-2023 - Event Report

GREG visit of the Spirit of Tasmania Terminal at Corio Quay May-2023

Please read the attached report on our visit to the Spirit of Tasmania Terminal, by newsletter editor Ian Burston.

May-2024 - Information

Graduate Engineers – Electrical/Instrumentation (Geelong Refinery)

Viva is pleased to offer Graduate Engineers a chance to be employed in their two year graduate program.

May-2023 - Invitation

ASCEND: Engineering a Sustainable Future

Solar-powered Vehicle - Melbourne Design Week

Presented by Deakin University

Apr-2023 - Newsletter

GREG Newsletter Mar/Apr

The latest news about up coming events and items of interest can be found here in the …

Mar-2023 - Event Report

Report on 2023 AGM & Speaker

The AGM for the financial year 2022, of the Geelong Regional Engineers Group, was held on the 23rd March 2023, at The Learning Professionals premises in Corio Street, Geelong. 23 members & guests attended the AGM.

Feb-2023 - Newsletter

GREG Newsletter Jan/Feb

The latest news about up coming events and items of interest can be found here in the …

Feb-2023 - Event Report

Plant Tour Report - VIVA Energy Polymers

The GREG plant tour was fully subscribed by members and guests.

Feb-2023 - Invitation

AGM 2023 & Speaking Event

The Annual General Meeting of the Geelong Regional Engineers Group Incorporated will be held on Thursday, 23rd March 2023, at Learning Professionals (previously known as Scottish Chiefs Tavern), 99‐101 Corio Street, Geelong, 3220. Registration from 5:30pm the meeting will start at 6:00pm. There is no cost for attendance of the the AGM.

Dec-2022 - Newsletter

Christmas Newsletter

The Christmas newsletter can be found

Nov-2022 - Event Report

End of Year Meeting - Victorian Professional Engineers Registration Scheme

John Lambert, updated us on the latest information that he has been able to acquire regarding the PERS.

Dec-2022 - Newsletter

GREG Newsletter Nov/Dec

The latest newsletter can be found ….

Oct-2022 - Newsletter

GREG Newsletter Sep/Oct

The latest newsletter can be found …

Apr-2022 - Event Report

AGM & CPD Event Report

The 2021 AGM of the Geelong Regional Engineers Group was held on 28th April at Capri Receptions in Geelong West. Twenty members & guests attended the AGM followed by dinner and a presentation; “Lift Off - Exploring Decision Making” by Brett Mahar.

Apr-2022 - Local News

The fate of the Barwon River Ovoid Sewer Aqueduct

Did you know Barwon Water is planning to destroy part of Geelong’s Heritage listed Barwon River Ovoid Sewer Aqueduct? David Le Lievre is a member of our GREG committee. David is involved with the group trying to save a local heritage listed civil engineering structure that has served the Geelong communities for nearly a century. The concrete structure spans 756m over the Barwon River floodplain from Breakwater to Marshall.

Professional Engineers Registration > 11-Jun-2021

The 11-Jun-2021 printed edition of The Age published a notice in the Public Notices on Professional Engineers Registration (Fees) Regulations – Notice of Decision from the Vic Government. The notice says that the government does not intend to change the proposed Regulations after reviewing the 21 submissions and that “After the proposed Regulations are made, they can be downloaded from The proposed Regulations will come into operation on 1 July 2021.”

Jun-2021 - Event Report

Report on the 2020 AGM

Eleven members and guests attended the GREG AGM for 2020 on Thursday 27 May 2021, a few hours before the state was put back into Covid lock down. President Bernie presented his report to members which can be read in full here. He highlighted that with Covid issues, we have been unable to run any activities, but was hopeful that this would improve soon.

May-2021 - Invitation

Victorian Engineer Registration Information Sessions from Professionals Australia

As you may be aware, the Victorian Government has passed legislation for the Registration of Professional Engineers. Registration will commence from 1 July 2021, in a staged process. I am offering free information sessions about the changes.

May-2021 - Invitation

Geelong Regional Engineers Group


We are pleased to announce the GREG AGM for 2021 and trust that you will be able to attend.

Dec-2020 - Information

Christmas message from the President

This year 2020 has been a year like no other. It will be one that will marked in our minds and hearts as one most challenging many ways. As the year now draws to a close, when the usual happy season would have been in full swing, but alas, no office parties, no Christmas carols or other such happy and cheery activities of mass gathering. The GREG too has had to forego our usual end of year social event which had been a standard for several years now.

Sep-2020 - Information

Victorian Engineers Registration Scheme Update


The Victorian Government passed the Professional Engineers Registration Bill in August 2019.

Sep-2020 - Information

Message from the Chair

Covid‐19 is still with us and the restriction of movements and gatherings not appearing to favour any planned events in the coming months. However, amid these restrictions in commerce and social movements, the Victorian Government, Engineers Australia (EA) and Professionals Australia (PA) are still working its way forward with the development and implementation of the Professional Engineer’s Registration Scheme.

Oct-2020 - Invitation

Regional Affiliation Event

Engineers Country Family Weekend > 2020

Engineers Country Family Weekend has been postponed due to continued Covid‐19 restrictions

For further information you may contact:

Apr-2022 - Local News

The fate of the Barwon River Ovoid Sewer Aqueduct

David Le Lievre who is a member of our committee also wears several hats. One of which is being involved in trying to save a local heritage significant civil engineering structure that has served the Geelong communities for nearly a century. This heritage significant concrete structure spans 756m over the Barwon River floodplain from Breakwater to Marshall is under threat of being demolished by Barwon Water.

Jun-2020 - Information

Victorian Engineers Registration Bill - Update

The Victorian government ran a public forum in March this year which turned out to be an information session rather than a session for debate, discussion or gathering of engineers input. Contact was made with MPs, Louise Staley and Michael O’Brien to find a way for GREG to participate in the development of the Engineers Registration Regulation. However, due to Covid-19, Victorian Parliament had been closed with only two sessions/days planned through till October 2020 when they will review the Budget. This therefore means that committee activities will also be impacted. We have been advised that those preparing the Draft regulations had decided to only work with Engineers Australia and Professionals Australia. Other alternative strategies are being considered to ensure alternative views get a hearing in this draft regulation development.

Jan-2021 - Information


As already alerted in our end of year meeting at the Cockie brewery event last year, there will be a small annual subscription fee for membership. This fee is required to cover the cost of incorporation, domain registration, website and other miscellaneous expenses associated with running of the group. However, full time students, membership will be free as we endeavour to foster the next generation of engineers into our profession. All committee positions are voluntary.

Jan-2020 - Information

Group Incorporation

In December 2019, our group successfully became incorporated as a not for profit organisation. We have also registered a domain and started on the development of our website. This will give our group an official entity status from which we can build upon to further promote our profession for the benefit of all our members.

Jan-2020 - Information

Message from the President

For many, this year will be a year to be remembered but not for the usual joyous and memorable events, but one that reflects the test against human survival in the face of a world pandemic. What started out as a concerning virus, from a faraway city with a population about half the size of Australia, quickly spread to far flung parts of the globe, quickly crippling some countries to a standstill. Some countries in Europe come to mind such as; Italy France and Spain. Other countries that took swift and prompt decisive action to address the spread of this novel virus, benefited from these quick actions. Countries that had more robust border controls Countries like Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand also had the edge of managing this pandemic spread. But with these control measures, there is collateral damage. People have lost their jobs, some have experienced cutbacks and reduced pay, and for a sad few, have lost their lives. For the many on the front line, such as our health workers and essential services, their lives are placed at risk everyday to help keep the rest of us safe. For this we are eternally grateful.